

I was wrong
The way you talk to me makes me tremble.
I dream of abuse.
And u wonder why?
The way you imitate how stupid I am.
The way your throat strains in anger when it says my name.
I feel high, when I'm not.
The tears in my eyes.
You don't understand.
When I cry, I hide it.
As your voice yells I am too depressed to yell back.
Do you love me?
I wanna die.
As the tears roll down my face I feel my heart wanting to give up.
As I fall asleep.
I wake up to the same rut the same saddness.
I ask why am I here?
My heart burns.
Why do you love me but at other times hate me.
Please tell me what I did?
When I silently cry I am screaming help!
As you rage on me, my bones become numb.
I wish I was old so death was near.
You don't take my depression seriously.
It's a game to you.
Just like I'm a "game" to you.
I need help.
I can't scream.
I can't holler.
Everything is my fault.
I hate my life.
Feeling hopeless.
You want me to run into your arms begging for your attention.
I am tired of giving into your crap.
As I lay down, I hear your footsteps.
I hear your sighs of disapproval.
What the heck can I do.
I want to cry but I'm scared you'll hear me.
I'm scared you'll judge.
I thought you were my protecter...
I was wrong.
I thought I could express my feelings freely...
I was wrong.
Will you go through my room and try to find things to hold against me?
As my numb eyes stare into your angry eyes.
I wish I could tell some one.
I was wrong about you.
It's my fault.
I never should have told you my problems.
I cant leave you..
So I guess my body will start to rot and die a lil each day till theres nothing left.
And when I'm gone will you miss me?
Ya you'll miss being pissed at me.
I was wrong about you....
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