

I finally got married..
A very short story by
Awatef Mahjoub
Translated from the Arabic by
Hikmet Elhadj

– “If I see you reading the newspapers, I will hit you!”.
Insults became my daily supplement, and my mistreatment was his pleasure. He was poor in character and rich in pockets. My mother married me, and she thought that I had trampled on heaven with my feet, and she did not know that she had sold me in exchange for my sick dowry.
– “Do you think you are expensive? You are not worth more than your shoes, you will go back to where you came from!”.
Every day I wait for him to carry out his threat to me, and every day my mother waits for me to announce to her the pregnancy of my first child. And it is no longer a secret that my mean husband is turning around in the beds of prostitutes.
My future looks bleak, there is no hope, there is no fate!

*Awatef Mahjoub is a storyteller and novelist from Tunisia.
*Hikmet Elhadj is a poet and translator from Iraq.
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