


In the garden of Earth, where beauty resides,
Nature's symphony whispers and abides.
With brushstrokes of green, a vibrant array,
A poet's canvas for words to convey.

Beneath azure skies, the mountains ascend,
Their rugged peaks, a tale they intend.
Majestic guardians, reaching high above,
An endless vista, a reminder of love.

The rivers flow, weaving melodies sweet,
Through valleys and meadows, they gently fleet.
Their currents embrace the land with grace,
Nourishing life in their watery embrace.

The forests stand tall, an emerald maze,
Whispering secrets that nature conveys.
With verdant canopies, they embrace the light,
Humbling all who wander within their sight.

Flowers bloom, a kaleidoscope of hues,
Petals unfurling, nature's subtle clues.
Each gentle blossom, a delicate thought,
A testament to the wonders nature hath brought.