

What is more tiring?
To wait for the ones who are gone or living in memories of those who left.
What is more difficult?
To think about those who had no chance of coming back or looking for those who always had but never came back.
What is more painful?
To grieve for the ones who are dead or to live without the ones who are alive, leaving you behind half dead.
What is more unfair?
To miss the ones who can't reciprocate or to love the ones who took all I love you's without retreating.
What is more miserable?
To mourn for those who worth it or to sob in silence for those who does not deserve any of it.
Departing always hurt, sometimes both souks share the burden, but mostly it lies on the shoulders of one who left behind when one leaves in disbelief
Wherever they go, in this world or the other.
© hira Ch