

“ Solitaire ”

You illuminated the hollow space of my heart
Translucent beauty I eager to touch
Honoured to have such precious gem
Desire to take over such greatest sin

Blinding light embrace me till eternity
Having you keep me on sanity
Failed to see life ; all withers away
Tiny pieces remain shattered ; cast down

Oh my radiant gem I cannot succumb for long
Enlighten holy grace received dead apathy
Gullible virtue of mine, you're agonizingly divine
Foolish am I ? Count me in your list
Treasured by golden hands
Adorned with diamonds on glittering surface
Amidst tyrant's wealth, a speck cannot be replaced
You still remain the spotlight of the stage
Plenty eyes feast you of the stage
Scream for aid, fortunately yours present
Shall accept downcast gem, my only solitaire.

© jyannu
#writings #poetry #love #beauty #writco #art