

I had this boss Jill, she was something special
She wanted to either fuck you or fuck you

Once after a first date she came up to me and said
“Last night we didn’t have any condoms so we just did anal instead.”
Personally I didn’t judge, just not something you expect to hear from your boss

Jill went on a date with a coworker
This being the 3rd and not the last
The date didn’t go well as she told me
“I’d rather fuck you than Colin at this point.”

One day she came up to me
Telling me about Dani and John two coworkers That they spent the night together after a party
I told her I didn’t believe it, rumours are silly
It was me who spent it with Dani
But she didn’t need to know that

Jill made rumour that I gave Mia chlamydia
Poor girl just had a stye
But that didn’t stop Jill
Telling everyone that I shot her in the eye

The final straw was Jill crossed ex cop
Now asset protection manager Frank
Saying how he cheated on his wife with Dani
Ironic as Jill was sleeping with a married man

She was swiftly fired
Went out with a bang

© JackDedalus