

Life's Cruelty: 90

The journey has come to an end,
Weaving through meandering paths,
Sometimes alone, often with a friend.

In the realm of time's relentless flow,
Where seasons pass, and ages grow,
There lies a tale of life's cruel blow,
Of living till the grand age of ninety.

In youth's embrace,
with hearts so light,
We dance through days,
devoid of fright,
Yet shadows loom,
as years take flight,
And dreams once vibrant,
fade in twilight.

Oh, the bitter taste of fleeting years,
As strength wanes, and vision veers,
Our bodies worn, like fragile spheres,
We long for respite from life's cruel jeers.

Gone are the days
of boundless grace,
Replaced by wrinkles
upon our face.
Bearing witness to life's ruthless chase,
Leaving trails of regret,
We can't erase.

The mind, once sharp, now dulled by time,
Memories fade, like a distant chime,
Leaving gaps in stories once sublime,
Lost echoes of a forgotten rhyme.

Loneliness creeps across
like chilling frost,
Companions lost,
friendships crossed;
Leaving hearts burdened,
love's well exhaust,
Leaning on memories,
but at what cost?

To live till ninety, a cruel decree,
A burdened weight, too heavy to see,
Yearning for freedom, forever to be,
Released from existence's ruthless decree.

Yet amidst the darkness,
a flicker of light.
A reminder to us,
life's enduring might!
A chance to cherish moments,
so finite,
Embracing its beauty
in every sight.

For in the depths of our mortal strife,
We find resilience, the will to survive,
And though the journey may feel rife,
There's still a spark to keep hope alive.

Let us not dwell,
on life's cruel measure.
But seek solace in love,
and find our treasure.
Embrace each day,
with fervor and pleasure,
For in the end,
It's the memories we'll treasure.

© Quite Winter