

I got it.
It was the hardest one in the packet and last one.
I really loved pistachios.
My cravings was hiking for the last piece.
These tiny thing are really yummy..
I was trying hard to break its shell.
The shell , it was hard enough to break.
I tried my best with fingers,then I tried with my teeth.
I almost thought it has broken my teeth.
I tried again with a little hammer,
and I was too conscious to not loose the seed inside it.
I wondered how hard the shell was..
And here it was my little,yummy pistachio out of its shell.
And I bet,it was the most tastier one in the whole packet 🤟


Sometimes the pistachios are real people.
They are having this unbreakable shells around them.
They try to keep everyone one away.
It's really harder to break their shells.
It may need great patience,time,you may loose temper,you may find it boring....
But I bet , once you break their shells and get to know them .
They are the most beautiful people and souls in the world ♥️