

Your Unfair Whethered Friend
"I will sit with you in vain
I will laugh with your laughter
You can't find me when things get harder

I will sit with you in joy
I will smile with your sunshine
You cant find me when your sun
Has lost its shine

I will dance with your achievements
I will praise you the way you deserve
You cant find me when things go wrong
When you're down , or when you're wronged

I will celebrate with you
When life is lifting you
You cant find me when your skies
Are filled with grays, or blues

I will never be a friend
Who will be there when you are broken
I cant sit next to you
When your soul and life has been

You cant find me in your storms
You cant find me in the rain
You cant see me in disasters
You cant count on me as a friend

And when you reach out
Im out of reach
When you stay in touch
I will peep
I will return when your skies
Are no longer gray

Coz Im making coffee jelly when Im away

Respectfully Yours,
Your Unfair Wethered Friend"

© philadelphia ✨