

When Dawn Arrives In Ukraine
In the darkness of the night, he fights for his homeland's grace.
With brothers by his side, in this war they must embrace.

He dreams of peaceful nights, where love can freely roam,
But the echoes of the battlefield haunt his every bone.

In the silence of dawn he prayed peace would come.
For his homeland to heal, for the battles to be done.

In that early morning silence, surroundings slowly come into sight.
The light reveals dark truths about the soldier in the night.

He stood there with a gun he never wanted to claim.
As he stood there he watched his memories go up in flames.

His home is now a memory, a life he once held dear.
An everyday Ukrainian, with a future unclear.

Though his path was altered, his spirit will endure,
For he carries the hopes of a nation, steadfast and pure.

But the scars run deep, as innocence subsides,
An everyday Ukrainian, with wounds he cannot hide.

© Veresk-верескьната