

My lovely uncle!
I was so overjoyed to have you
I boosted how wonderful you are to the world
I see you have my demi-god
I love you more than I love anyone
I was so much attached to you

My little damsel you always call
And planted those soft lips of yours with mine
You promised never to let any guy take me away
You vowed to stand by me always
I was the happiest girl that ever liveth

I was totally smitten with you
You said I shouldn't tell anyone
If you keep it a secret I will make you my wife you said
I believed every single word of yours
Bathing together is our normal norms

You called me to your room for my surprise birthday gift
Instead of gift you undressed me
I was stark naked in front of you
My pointing breast faced your direction
You twiddled my tiny nipple
Your caress my body erotically

I was shaking on my feet
I told you mother warned me against it
You said mother never want the best for me
I was trembling and nervous
You told me it is the best birthday gift ever
I fell for your words and gave in

You came between my legs roughly while I scream in pain
I begged you to stop but ignored
You turned a deaf-ear to my cry until you are satisfied
You told me never to tell mom

Days and weeks passed by
Your lovely act turns harsh
You shout at me on little thing
I felt weak and sick everyday
Mother said I'm pregnant but I denied
My august visitor refused to come

Gradually my stomach start enlarging
My tiny stomach became big
I became the laughing stock of the village
Friends called me slut
No one wants to befriend me
I became a single mom at the age of 14
No relative to run up to
My life was filled with red ink
Then I know it's over for me
© Alabi Aishat Adebimpe