

The Red Umbrella

Heavy downpours of sudden rain dotted that night
People ran for covers, children in fright
Only a man with no shed insisted bees to give an unclaimed glance
His eyes searching for the one, his heart seeking a chance

Drops of rain wetted his tired forehead
Strummed the chords, a song for the brokenhearted
Full of life, full of ardour and broke his chain of monotonous grief
A lady she was who gave the exhausted soul a momentary relief

Her eyes glittered with joy, her hair tied together
Her red umbrella shadowing her beauty, protecting her from all kinds of weather.
No night turned different, her unchanged countenance
His everyday quest for the red umbrella, his unawakened trance

Days passed into nights, nights into years
An unrequited love finding no tears
And one night, it happened so
She left it and he took it home.

A souvenir of all the unexpected meetings
A seraphic smile, no desire of confronting.
He clunged to it in times of low
Never to give it upon, friend or foe.

And as it says and as it goes
History find its way back and sweetly it flows.
Stolen from the man was his unbroken part
Hit with a dart, the selfish stage devoured his heart.

No water could drench his dry throat that night
He picked up on a bottle, waiting for the morning light
Words didn't flow and tears unrolled; only a parasol etched in wood
His unforgiving blood painting it red, his lifeless eyes still in search of the hood.