

Though troubles abound
Though troubles abound
I hold myself in the mindset of cheer
For I can complain and give in to fear
Or safeguard my heart with faith and good cheer
Hang my chin in a forlorn stance or carry my head high ever ready to dance
For focus I may on the troubles at hand or master my sorrow and play my own hand

After night will come day as the old adage says
Time will roll on from one to the next phase
So it is said and so I believe
That victory is sure once attitude is positive
Troubles to the left and troubles to the right
But go will the night and come will the light

The soul is made of eternal material
Pressed but not crushed, bent never broken
And faith it requires, just a tiny token
Because all must be well, the Lord's lips have spoken
Seek he commanded, seek, you shall find
For great are the lessons of patience and time

You cannot control the wind and the waves
time and the seasons they go their own way
But small as you are your capabilities are great
for your thoughts are yours as you see fit to shape
You may feel hopeless, not know which way to go
This you must know, that sorrow and pain are the wings of the soul

© umeanoc