

Petals of Forgiveness
Petals of forgiveness gently fall,
In every heart, a soothing call,
They heal the wounds at all,
And brings a peaceful lift of our soul.

In every petal, soft and kind,
Forgiveness blooms and leaves behind,
The pain and hurt will someday fades on our mind,
Just to believe in magic of mankind.

Through every grace and every plea,
Forgiveness sets the spirit free,
It opens hearts and heals the pain absolutely,
And makes the broken whole again abundantly.

In every bloom, a promise made,
That forgiveness brings a brighter shade,
It clears the skies and soothes the soul of serenade,
And helps the heart to fastly aid.

So cherish the petals, soft and true,
And let forgiveness find its view,
For in their touch, we find the peace too,
That makes our troubles ceased continue.

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© Nathan Andrie