

Limited Vocabulary
There are words scribbled on my wall
intruding into my mind and staining my eyes.
I can't get them out of my head
as they cause every one of my thoughts to be misled.
It's filling and drilling the phrase again and again.
A phrase that should have never been said.

Losing all my color
as it's drained into a singular word in front of me.
An outline with nothing inside.
Not one color in between my lines.
The word burning into my eyes.

All the words in the room
get thrown out on a whim.
Waves of letters and sentences circle me,
things that I should say, do, feel, think.
But none of them seem to matter
as I begin to slowly shatter.

All of the letters have fallen
laying broken on the floor.
I try to grab them, reconstruct once more.
But I only make three letters,
repeating them across my bedroom and decor.
The one word I can't conquer.


© Robert Taylor