

My Heart beat 💓
Are you even aware?
That my heart beats to the rhythm of your melodious voice.
That my heart pumps nothing but your love through my blood vessels regarding your charming beauty,
That I pledge to paint your picture with my blood upon my heart.
That a second without thinking about you is like a century in hell
That your love is a seed that has germinated into strong affection arresting my emotions into your bosom?

Are you even aware?
That your blood is the ink that wrote my love story on my flesh,
That I have sworn in the depth of my soul to love you eternally with my whole heart.
That the sacred ornament that I ought to put on your finger may cost a million of dollars yet cannot pay for an iota of the love I have for you?

On my chest I write In high euphoria with Cupid's sword that,
(My love for you is as sweet as Cupid's honey and larger than the universe ).
For the treasurers of the whole world can never win your soul nor mine except that unique love we dwell in (one in a million)

© Jay Lit