

Pull me next to you, take me for your own.
Give me a chance to become your home.
I've been empty for a long time.
Filling spaces with empty faces.
Taking chances on past advances.
That seem to leave me with empty hands.
I'm can't, I'm not, going to ever give up on you.
I followed through your lifetime's just so I can cast my eyes upon your face.
Continuing my existence just to be next to you, a needful passion that I've once pledged in times of Kings and Queens.
I once called you mine,
in times of gold and jewel's did I flourish and you cascaded through the times, as men bowed at your feet just to bring you victories.
As I do now, I put my head down.
Ready to lay this life down.
I shell always hold my loyalty to you.
This is the story I followed through time and death.
I'm ready to serve, I bow before you once again until I reach depths of emptiness.
© jun.klost96#broken