

Disillusions and Misconstrued Misconceptions
Rainbows, rainbows, all I see-
I never needed you, really,
it just happened to be,
that you were there,
and so was I,
And the Banker's Club,
you had brought,
was dry.

But disillusions can haunt you,
and hope can make your heart bleed,
and maybe once I thought that your presence,
was the only thing
I'd ever need-

because I believed all your bullshit
about you not just, well,
you know, spreading your seed.
So now I come to find myself
where only hope, and disillusion can lead-

You see, it's all about perception,
we each create our own realities.
So that eventually, all we're left with,
are those individually perceived memories.

So now I wonder the way in which
it is, that you'll remember me.
I wonder if one day, you'll wonder,
if we really were meant to be...

But I bet you'll just figure
that it's just better this way.
Yup, you'll say, " fuck it,
that bitch was fucking crazy anyway."

But my love, my flame burns brighter
than the sun. And my soul?
Stronger than the sea's embrace.
And as I write down these lines, I find,
I'm already forgetting,
the watercolor image of your face.

© The Alchemical Sea Goat