

they say the grass is greener
I thought my grass was greenest when I was with you, until one day you stopped remembering to water it and it began to crunch underfoot as you walked all over me.

I thought if I reminded you how I needed to be watered, maybe you’d remember this time, or the next…
until one day I realized you liked how it felt, how it sounded under the soles of your shoes.

I thought my grass would grow back if I could remind you what it looked like, so tall and so green—until one day you cut me down.

So I stopped.

And after that you fell to your knees and you cried, and you begged me to grow again, the way I used to be.

But it was too late.

Because by now I’ve learned my grass was not greenest with you, my grass is greenest where it is watered.
© helz