

Today I awake to another beautiful day...But I still feel the pain of yesturday. .. i realize it will always be a part of me...I prayed time would move swift in hopes to loosen pains grip... nearly 2 years now and has not changed a bit..
I put on a smile and look happy and content No one wants to see me upset ..they have thier own problems thier trying to attend hiding behind thier own smile... Hi! Bye! Love you my Friend... trying to avoid sad thoughts of a tradgic end such as your in.. I cant imagine its OK i understand .. and wish no ill will against them ...there was no promises made no sworn oaths the day thier friendship was taken ....but if needed they would stand strong at thier station ...for as long as they could and you Respectfully thank them for thier participation...this leads me to my repeated question .. what pray tell are these words we use to define family or friend oaths taken till death be the end . A ceremony joining you together as one.... so you can invite all your friends in hopes they can come ...food and drink for everyone....with a growing budget that over spent . .its OK this a one time event and her happiness is all thats important... whats it all for... why stress more on your wedding day of all going to plan.... than keeping your promise made to your man...and if made a mistake. .. ill just re- marry is the go to escape then these practices we for sure hold in secret place. . When the laws for divorce are known better than the laws of marriage....it brings me disparage. ..then to treat the one you chose in this marriage less than human ...to try beat down ruin... have another man call to say oralie what you been doing...don't you see what you've ruined ... in your attempts to get where your going. ..you threw so much disrespect yours it also stolen. .. no heart left simple words could not be said condolences for my little girl now dead i remember your words said quote im not going to join your pittty party she was not just your daughter she was Davina its not all about you end quote ... your affair your lies that took my daughters life I have the last letter you wrote her .. more broken promises and lies why ! Why! WHY!!!! I think of my little girl day and night pain has a grip and is holding tight I must stay strong for if I slip God only knows until then I wait for pain to loosen its hold
© David Barrett