

Big Bang
You are a universe, I could not enter
but I spent my whole life
staring at your glory,
from afar

your majestic eyes
brighter than gases exploding
the atoms between us turn into fireworks

When you smile,
small little butterflies
trace their silky wings over my lips
my words stutter, my stomach churns
Kiss me,
just once
I promise I won't tell the stars

People revolve around you, and I'm scared what if you crash into someone as magnetic as your own presence
what if your heart's forces attract
will I be destroyed in the collision?

you charm is tranquil
like rainbows drifting throughout the galaxy
I'm jealous of your personality
how your absence freezes every other planet
it's like, you're more than just a person

you're more than a feeling,
No, you're like the air I need to breathe
you're the words, I cannot help but scream out to the world
I want to capture you and hide you inside me
No one else must dare to be influenced by your aura

but I'm just a girl from earth,
an aimless wandered of the doomed black sky
I wait every night, for your glimpse
as from afar I look at you
and your eyes, are majestic...

© nervous_system