

That one day
The Day I fall in love,
I will drop my underwear,
and wear it on my head.
send my heart to "Antûbaita" to live with my clan, never to return to me, ever!

I will plaster my face with cowdung,
Smear ash on my Government meat,
Hide my natural hair inside my cape,
draw war symbols on my cheeks,

I tell you the truth,
on that day,
I will be ready for battle,
there will be no hair to caress,
no cheeks to kiss however whenever!
no breasts to tease with his hot tongue
no buttocks to wiggle for her -cabbage carrot!
no 'cave' to welcome the one eyed guest of honour
and no heart to break!

On that day
it will just be me and her🌹,
and the heart shaped underwear,
resting on my head.
© Ken Thuranira