

Wide Awake
I can't sleep
"It's because somethings are running on your mind," they say.
As I lay on my sheets deep into the night
I think maybe they're right.
because my head might be against the pillows
and my body's wrapped around by blankets
but I don't feel any ounce of comfort.
Instead I'm with you
strolling in fields telling stories,
walking around school trying to kill time,
laughing at the lunch table with your hand in mine.

I can't sleep.
"It's because somethings are running on your mind," they say.
yes, it's true, I've been thinking about you all day.
So I lay here as if I'm lifeless
My eyes, wide open despite only seeing darkness
because I'm desperately avoiding unconsciousness.
I know the moment I fall asleep, the nightmares will come feeding on my weakness;
you were my only strength in times of distress.

I can't sleep
or rather I don't want to
because the only thing waiting for me in the morning is my greatest fear,
waking up to spend another day without you here.

© Grace Powetry