

Lovable Cadet's Memories
In the realm of honor and courage, behold,
A figure of virtue, brave and bold,
A cadet, a beacon of light, so dear,
With aspirations soaring high and clear.

In halls of learning, where dreams take flight,
A cadet stands tall, with unwavering might,
Eyes gleaming with passion, heart full of fire,
Determined to conquer, to reach ever higher.

With each step they take, in uniform adorned,
Their spirit, unwavering, steadfast and adorned,
A soldier of the future, in training they grow,
Their purpose defined, their commitment aglow.

Through days of toil and nights of study,
They face the challenges, never feeling muddy,
With resilience and dedication as their guide,
A cadet stands tall, their spirit cannot hide.

They march in unison, in cadence they stride,
In unity and harmony, they confidently glide,
Bound by a code, a camaraderie profound,
A family of cadets, their strength resound.

In the crucible of discipline, they are refined,
Character sculpted, virtues enshrined,
Respecting the past, embracing the call,
A cadet embraces duty, willing to give their all.

With dreams of service, selflessness they display,
Ready to protect, to serve, without delay,
Their hearts ablaze with compassion and care,
A cadet, a guardian, always prepared to be there.

So let us raise a toast to these cadets so dear,
Their journey inspiring, their presence so clear,
May their paths be paved with success and grace,
As they march towards greatness, leaving a lasting trace.

In the annals of memory, their names shall endure,
As symbols of bravery, of passion, so pure,
For in their hearts beats a love, fierce and true,
A love for their calling, a love that imbues.

Oh, cadet, your spirit, forever will shine,
In the hearts of those you've touched, a love so fine,
Thank you for your service, for all that you do,
This poem, a tribute, to celebrate you.
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku