

Just live your present
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way, no one knows what is happening and what is going to happen tomorrow just try to live today.
Forget the past and future who knows what's is going to be just live the present...
Enjoying your present is the gift from God...who knows you will be there see the future,if you are there ,then belive me you are been created for some reason. Just live the present....
Life gives you so many chances but me we postpone it just to live in the future,oh life calls out to you and says Rejoice dude just live the present ...
In this lockdown period we are worried of money ,our dreams,our business the losses that we are going to bear in future but have you realise that you are safe in your home's having a shelter to sleep,food to eat ,oxygen to breathe and life to enjoy to enjoy the present with your nears ones who are with you...Live your present with this beautiful life and be greatful just you are safe and secure...