

She walked her style
She is a beauty...
walking her style...
not "lady like" or "like men"
she walks with a smile..

she keeps her hair short..
"it's easy to carry" she say..
but that's for men
or the ladies who're gay...

Oh please dont judge..
Am just being me...
But you aren't a man
you ain't free...

what whispers her brains..
are the pages flooded ink...
books ain't masters of life...
you either swim or sink..

She wanted to stay..
but not dead from inside...
painted in rainbow...
how long could she hide?

I am not like everyone...
I am bit different I say...
Not like am not a person anymore..
I just happen to be gay.

"You read too much"
"No you are not"
"You are confused as such"
"You dont know a lot"

She smiled silent..
what could she say...
her senses were questioned..
her reality smashed away...

She left the house..
she felt alone...
she was begging love..
from a heart of stone..

she found a love..
who loved her smile...
she didnt walk like lady or man..
she just walked her style.

© AzmanskyHerrmann