

Indulge in a sacred act,
An act most required ,
An act,
Of self-love,
Love yourself everyday.
Make it a ritual to your existence,
Indulge in, it's no crime,
Neither selfish,
Indulge in,
So much so that,
The day this world
Discards you,
And makes you feel
"Unloved", "Uncared"
And "Not required at all",
And you are on the threshold,
Threshold of a distorted self perception,
And of extreme belonginglessness,
Every inch of your little heart,
The moulded one,
Little rosy, teary, melting pot,
Shouts out,
At your momentous emotions and fears,
Extreme and malicious,
And bring you back to this life,
To your little inner world,
Full of love, care and belongingness.

© @the eternal muse