

Insta Spinsta
In the Instagram's bustling crowd, they vie for my sight,
A sea of faces, voices loud, seeking their light.
But as they clamor, I step back and ponder why,
Why the more they vie for me, the more I stay shy.

Is it the yearning for validation they seek?
A desire for recognition, approval's mystique?
Or perhaps it's the thirst for a fleeting fame,
In this digital world, an endless game.

Yet in this quest, I find my refuge in still,
A sanctuary of silence, a space to refill.
For the more they clamor, the more I retreat,
To introspection's haven, where my soul finds its beat.

In the quiet corners, I weave my own thread,
Away from the frenzy, where thoughts are well-fed.
As they vie for attention, I yearn to understand,
What drives this hunger, in this digital land.

Is it connection they seek, or a moment's delight,
Or a fragment of spotlight, a brief shining light?
In my silence, I ponder, I question, I sigh,
For in this grand circus, I choose not to comply.

So let them vie and strive, while I remain still,
In contemplation's embrace, a space to fulfill.
The more they seek me out, the more I discern,
The value of silence, in a world so eager to churn.

© TwoTimesTwice