

Thunder is a bittersweet sound.

It crashes with anger,
a sense of pain,
and a scream of agony.

Yet I find comfort in the fact
that I am not alone.

I lash out with anger,
pain engulfs me,
and I wish I could just scream.

I live vicariously
through the cracks of thunder.
Oh, how I wish to rip through the sky
with such vigor.

To release all emotions,
both positive and negative,
into the vast atmosphere
that is the sky.

Let the clouds consume me
as my tears pour onto the land before me.
Let some find joy in the shower that is my sadness.

Dance around in the drops
that release from my pained frame.
Watch as I flood the streets
with what I've kept buried
deep inside of my soul.

Watch as the light ripples
through the sky
with every loud sob and wail.

Watch as the rainbow forms
when somebody finally comes to rescue me,
holding me tight in their grasp
so I will no longer cry.

Thunder is a bittersweet sound.

© aliconic