

To My Fan
To my one true fan,
Man, we've been through it and come out the other side.
It's been quite the ride.

I wish there were others as devoted as you,
but you stuck by me like glue
and never gave up even when the poems were long.
Thank goodness you're will of iron is strong.

And when others skipped or liked without reading
you were there always leading
with positivity oozing from your pen.
I need that now as much as I did then.

I took you through all kinds of formats.
Kept changing subjects but congrats,
you managed to grasp at my ideas.
What a blessing you are - cheers!

Between you and me we have a bond
that's mutually delightful.
And if I get some idiot that's frightful
giving me their weirdness full on,
I just think of your support, smile and with them I'm done.

I can rely on you my one true fan.
Man, you are really appreciated by this here bloke.
Hugs to you for those words you spoke.

One is better than none!
At times when I think that I'm done
your name comes up and I'm smiling away,
so I thought I'd celebrate YOU today!

© .Garry Saunders