

My Lonely Birthday in The Month of May

Today is my birthday,
in the month of May.
Not a great day to cherish,
Nothing to say.
Nothing special,
It's just an ordinary day.
No wishes, No greetings,
No gifts to play.

No one and nothing to blame, anyway.
No expectations,
Nothing to lose or gain,
Not even a single smile or
even a pinch of pain,
Everything is away.

No gathering, No celebration,
To rediscover my soul,
I have lots of time to pay.

Needed just a li'l message of love 'n' care to stay,
Which even my loved ones failed to convey. 

How can I claim love, I'm their shame,
As I try to find my solace in the stray. 

Oh! Happy birthday to me!
To myself, at least I can say.
You know, it's my birthday
in the month of May,