

She lived in a toxic home

Everyday when she wakes up

She always questioned herself,

Why am I here?

Why am I alive?

Always thinking about her past,

Always feeling like a burden,

All she wanted was to die,

Tried suicide but never succeeded,

She always smiled,

But never got real happiness,

All she felt was fear,

Confused, sadness,

Sorrow, betrayal,

All she wanted was for the feeling to disapear,

She couldn't bare the pain anymore,

All she wished was to stop the pain,

To stop the tortured she felt,

To stop the stabbing she felt,

Again and again,

Non stop,

All she could do was fake a smile during the torture,

To prove she is strong,

To avoid people feeling sorry for her ,

All that could come in her mind is to die,

But thought about the people who love her,

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