

Do you remember what we said?

We said, we'd leave our
coats outside when
pride visits our home.
Made a promise to thee
In the presence of all
creatures, that our feelings
will forever hold despite
the disparity of distance
and time's cheating game.

Our souls combined.
On the night the rain
children knocked on
our window pane,
we promised that
mud coated shoes
of fear will always remain
outside the door
And disconnect will be
just another broken

We said that anger wouldn't
have a seat at our table.
Woe, be gone! We sang.
Throes of deception,
we excommunicated.
We said that we'd issue
a restraining order for
the divorce lawyer.
Round up paranoia
and bag the bodies of
insecurity and Doubt.
We said we would leave
the latch open just
in case ego needs to
take a stroll.

Do you remember what we said?
© Personalpoet