

All hail the Queen
Male section
May I have your attention

Lemme tell you how beautiful it is to be girl / lady / women
Look at them , look at the beautiful flowers that surrounds us with their smiles and eyes
Bringing spring to anyone who's stuck in those cold winds
God's so keen that he waits to take them away when the time comes and blooms them again in his heaven and no place else
They are just so graceful that they reside in the best of creation
Then when times comes he gifts them back to us so that we can rejoice the true meaning of happiness and beautify us

Beauty was created after the creation of a women
Poetry came into existence for them cause dreams were less in expression
Stars spread far awide to take away our attention from them and still we find solace in comparing those dots to their eyes
All best of words are have sword that they'll gloriy them in life and death

Look a little inside than those flesh and lust
See a world of struggle , scars , wounds , mysteries , bleeding , life , secrets and many which only the best of peace bringers can enter and watch
Be the chosen and be so lucky

How do you make it look so easy
How do you make it so beautiful
How do not tear when your souls are getting stabbed by US
How do you still say ' I'm okay ' and ' Let's see '

We say we can walk in their shoes yet we can't take one step
We say we'll swoosh of your fear but sometimes can clear eyes went wept
We promise you and still break you in pieces till eternity
For all we can say I love you My lady and if possible bear us a little more ' We're sorry '

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