

Mystic Cadence
In the mystical folds of my heart's script, where ink dances with daring delight, I unearth tales of whimsy and passion. Under the cloak of night, I'll continue to spin, with quill in hand, conjuring dreams within.

Within love's wild waltz, my heart pirouettes, a partner to the rhythmic strokes of my pen. In your realm, where fantasies are born, my ink-stained fingers eagerly adorn.

Oh, but the twists in your touch, a tantalizing tango, a dance of desires set aglow. Your gaze, a fervent flame in the masquerade of passions, a waltz through the heart's secret passages.

My essence, a poetic pledge, laid bare in verses untamed. Yet, the journey of your touch, a beguiling ballad, in the pages where our secrets are serenaded.

Amidst the moonlit rendezvous of ink and desire, my heart's inkwell trembles with untold fire. In the depths of passion's script, my heart's silent rampage, a love story inked on the parchment of an electrifying page.
© Aquilo-Dominic G. Udo