

No woman is ever ugly,
For beauty lies in every curve and line,
In the way she moves, the way she speaks,
In the light that shines from deep within.

No woman is ever ugly,
For each one is a masterpiece,
A creation of the divine,
A reflection of the universe's design.

Her eyes may be small or large,
Her nose may be straight or curved,
Her lips may be thin or full,
But each feature is a stroke of art.

Her skin may be dark or light,
Her hair may be wild or tamed,
But each strand is a symbol of life,
A reminder of her strength and grace.

No woman is ever ugly,
For her beauty is not defined,
By the standards of the world,
Or the opinions of others' minds.

For every woman is a goddess,
In her own unique way,
With a beauty that radiates,
Through every moment of every day.

So let us celebrate each woman,
For the beauty that she holds,
For she is a work of art,
A masterpiece to behold.
© Patidee