

I wish i never had confessed!
I wish i never had confessed!
i wish i could take a rewind ,
in time!
but , i am confused to how many rebounds i would have to take!
how many moments i would
choose to visit again!
to feel your breath near my face!
to hold your hand in my hand!
to tightly hug you until i make,
you blush to the ground!
to sink in your deep eyes!
to watch you smile like a child!
to listen your "channa mereya" on loop on that night!
to blush at your words!
to again smile like a love-sick,
on your one notification!
to wait for you to come to the class!
Just to visit our first meet,
never to make any eye contacts,
never to ask anyone about you,
would stop my friends to,
text you being me!
never to not sleep till 3 cause,
you are awake!
or never to confess you that I loved you!!

© krishuwrites