

Dog in the dog house
You can not look me in my face
when you talk to me
So run to your dog house
with your head hanging low
I am so disgusted
I don't want to see
your face anymore
I will lock the door from the outside
You will only see my face
when I decide to provide
Provide you with your meals to eat
And some water to keep you alive
But you will never get the chance to ever again
lick in between my inner thighs
You showed me the real you
and I will treat you accordingly
So enjoy this little time
The time you still have with me
You will remain in the dog house
As I continue to live free
Everything you are experiencing
is mental pain
accompanied by sexual greed
I know it's hard to see me straight out the shower
dripping wet
I dry off
apply my oil in front of you
slippery wet
Oh but you can't touch me
that's the price you pay
when you want to be a dog
sitting there mouth watering
penis throbbing
you just want a taste
To bad so sad
Go to that stray
you were with the other day
running around sticking your penis
in everything that is in heat
In a few days my place will be ready
not for us
but for just me
I'll see you when I see you
But when I do
please do not speak
You see I am too much woman
for a man like you
So pretend you don't know me
So I'm going to leave you so
you can do
what most stray dogs do
Roam the streets
look for a sensitive soul
To take you in
So you can try and destroy the way she loves to
But she will too see
that you are just a dog ass man
with a plan to manipulate and use
Now please don't read this poem
and think that I am saying
That all men are this way
because that is unfair
I'm not saying anything new
plenty of people
Men and women have been there
Don't let your guard down
and fall so deep
that you can't see
When the person you are sleeping with
Is dangling in between someone else's sheets
protect yourself and get out of it as soon
as you discover
That dog in the dog house
has multiple lovers