

Their fate to choose...
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…
The nights were near endless, same for the days,
He waited, so anxious, so needy
Just to hear the words she'd say....
She pondered how long this separation would stand,
Could her heart bear the pain, what about all their plans...
He searched his mind for a way to overcome this divide
Could he change their future or fate, were they doomed, forced to hide...
She quickly found herself tired of the loneliness felt,
How could this possibly be the putrid hand they'd been dealt..
He could bear it no more, he finally had had quite enough,
Enduring further without his soul just wasn't that tough...
She felt it before it even came into full form,
This plan he'd engage, the walls he sure storm...
He sensed her reaching out, her soul searching for its mate
Knowing this was it, time to take control of their own fate
She somehow knew, it was time to make their own way
To stop listening to what anyone else had to say..
He hoped and he prayed she'd forsake those she's loved all her life
For a future together with him by her side and she as his wife...
She gazed out her window, a bag slung loosely over her back
Knowing her family will never cut them any acceptance or slack
He knew he was showing up on a hope and prayer,
Not even sure if his love would accept, or was even there...
She watched the shadows, silently begging with her lord
Wishing, waiting, hoping, praying, from her heart love poured
He crept up to that house, so silent and hyper aware,
The dogs, the guards, security, for none of it he cared...
She saw at last a glimmer, a light shining in the distance a ways,
Throwing open her window she squinted and focused her gaze...
His mirror trick had snared her eye, at last she saw his call
She didn't wait a second, she jumped out and over that wall...
He booked it to meet his One, meeting her body and soul half way
Slamming into each other's arms. no words left for either to say...
In an instant two souls became complete and it was love winning the race,
A force so strong it crosses cosmos, realms, time, distance and space...

True love, true bonds, should never be divided or torn,
Lest you be faced with a world filled with hatred and lovers scorn....

Melissa M. Stahl
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