

Finding Forbidden Love
He never had to hang his head in shame
To the man who held him high
And to a proud mother, taking delight in motherhood.

It's after the fall when the free birds are back to Book and lectures.
Boaring classes bunked for a pizza meet.
With a long sidewalk under think bushes , holding beloved.

Always craning the neck and rolling eye balls for some one familiar.
Or a native , relative or a neighbour.
After passing from middle school
it's first time ever fear griping inside out.

Expected never delayed,on a zig zag ride out to park,accidently bumped into dad's car.
Then you can imagine,at evening the house court gathered for an elaborate detailed description of all that passed since few moths.

Mom gave into a dramatic faint
Older brother who holds a job looked scornfully.
Father red with anger.
Me like a thief caught red handed.