

Dirty Bastard
This guy was a friend in the loosest of terms
More bad traits than good
That said he was entertaining

His apartment looked like a junkyard
Carpets were covered with clothing and junk
It was like walking on a mattress
Chinese food would sit on the counter for a week
He’d nibble at it every so often
Next to his bed maple syrup and tissues
I heard stories about what he did with those

I was over one day and had to pee
He told me to piss in the shower
As apparently the toilet was fucked
I replied “okay.”
In the restroom I saw a murdered toilet
I look in the shower empty beer cans scattered
I take care of business

I am over at his place two weeks later
Toilet still deceased, shower pee again I guess
I look in the shower and the cans didn’t move
I guess he doesn’t even shower

© JackDedalus