

You are strong,
You've had to be.
You have been forced to brave many storms.
Shutters up,
Don't force them down.
They are meant to protect, but sometimes they deflect
... even if the intent is pure,
because one is unsure.
Shutters meant to protect, deflect but it's better than the impending neglect.

Invited in.
An inclusion
some may take for granted.
Not understanding why,
the rules that apply
..but rationale is solid
even if the cause is invalid.
One never really knows,
just how this thing goes
But to deny is to slay...
your happiness is at bay.

Maybe this is the time to
let go and just play,
...by ear if you dare.
Know you don't have to ensnare
someone to be happy
They happen along
and take the time to share
Soon they for you even care.
Realizing you are a gem
they treat you very well
For how long you may wonder
... only time will tell.