

My sweet wife and me
I was bachelor and testing sweet test of my 1st job
So happy to live my own life far away from my home
My earning of monthly salary is giving me freedom to enjoy my smoking in open place
Allow me to take small drinks with my friends as just new adult
Life was great and charming
My duty sometime bothering me
As it is against my freestyle life.
Balancing my emotions of love and life is challenging,
Hormonal disturbance knocking me from back door.
But my maturity is strong enough to handle both my emotions and style.
Life was easy and simple
My father decided to knot me with a girl of his choice.
No rights , left for me to speak against my godfather
I surrender -
My wife is completely unknown to me.
My married life is fresh with smell like freshly baked bread.
My wife is adjusting herself in her new life.
No one is showing attitude with originality.
But bubbles are bursting silently and return to originality within no time
My wife slowly taking charge and me in mode of discharging.
Graph of charging is high and rapid
Slowly realised that better to surrender but my ego hurts me many time.
I compromised after attending full time course of relationship.
I reached to my middle age ,
My family is full grown and manifesting with new flavour,
I am busy with my work and also holding my family as an financial asset.
All fine and it's like enjoying waves inside sea without knowing swimming.
My wife is now my house adminstrator and treasurer by default.
I am member core committee in my house and most junior member is my 10 years old daughter.
My voice is gentle all the time as high pitched voice is not allowed.
I was stylish person and love to keep dresses in my wardrobe.
Now my wife is deciding which one is best choice for me.
She is giving my dress code for my office and my party.
She was gluing my family all the time.
I built my organization brick to brick to get best results.
My wife built my home to live with peace and harmony.
we fight for small reasons and to create some meaning out of it.
But as defeat is fixed for me, it's nice to remember.
I am now master of balancing,
work and life ,role model for others ,
doctorate for switching off my office hangover before entering my home.
I am not sure whether I am enjoying or compromising.
I am now carrying dual personality,
rough and tough in my office and soft and sweet at home.
I am some time impatient at work and no scope at home.

I love varities of food and keen to taste .
But having many restriction at home but not sure what kind of disease I am having.
I love to enjoy my holidays in hill station but sea beach is now best choice .
How , it's life and followed best standard of living.
One fine morning, I found myself with many grey hairs, many wrinkles in my face.
Am I really old now.
losing my strength and vision of life.
My wife is not so busy now and enough time to spend with me.
She is cool and in compromising mood.
I slowly return to my old days but in old age.
Me and my wife both are living with a hope that some one may visit us to break our loneliness.
Life is interesting and gives opportunity to enjoy if you know art of living.
Now me and my wife living in a old age home.
She is now simple and loving wife.
No ego , no complex. living with her best partner with full of joy and happiness.
I enjoy my full authority as husband and easily force her to follow my world.
She is dependent and more caring for me.
I really feel proud of my old father for a Great choice.
I am still confused -
whether arranged marriage or love marriage is best for me.
But love at old age is really devine.
No hormonal influence, pure love.
My sweet wife truly champion of the life.
I love my sweet wife , only when she is old and young for me.