

Sad melodies
Those who are without love are myopic,
For they do not see the light,
that comes with being loved
I have seen it, and it is epic

I saw what heaven holds
I saw it with my naked eyes
I watched as God's hand unfold
but we wasn't as fast to claim our fair share
of a happy ending

It's hard not to picture what could have been
I love you so much, it breaks the Lord's heart
This love, is the sweet poison that lives in my gut
So it's true, good things do last
I'm stuck in place,
Living with a thirsty heart
And drowning in the emptiness of our withered pact

My being is now without luster,
You were the shine I lived for
This bleakness is ugly
It was beautiful dwelling in your joys
I loved it there

As I sway and warble in these sad melodies,
I wish to anchor
On the lee of your shore
For at least one more time
To feel safe again
To feel your love again

© Ommie