

Alone in the darkness
Alone on the street
A lonely heart weeps
There are no pillows to soak up their tears
no roof over their head
no teddy bears to squeeze in pain
to pour out all their anguish and shame.

A family of 4 brings with it responsibility
but when we don't respond to it properly
we lose our sense of direction
and become movable property.

Try as we might, to pass the buck
the fault was ours
though it's hard to own up
but then again maybe it wasn't
maybe it was so called fate
Or written in our destiny
that we'd end up on the cold, hard concrete street

We never thought that one day we'd be the ones in place of those we saw
Sitting in corners of footpaths
through the rains, the sun,the snow;
that we'd be the ones observing
countless no of people as on their way they hurriedly go.

Every person, every family
has a story, a back history
of how they came to be presently
their painful, saddening history
cannot be shared with us over a cup of tea
Even though the media shows us differently with headlines of ' how a family hit big money from being down on the street '
but their actual struggle of making ends meet,
the cold truth of their story
bare of embellishments ,
that's the reality only they know .
That's the one that can shake us to the core

Even as you're reading this poem
there's someone out there in the cold
in search of food,warmth and shelter .
Isn't it plausible
that even he'd want to snuggle up in a cozy bed?
that he wishes to have a pillow soaking all his tears of anguish
of sadness,misery and suffering
but alas!his fate is not so.

© la_diaz