

Oh My Heart Lemme Cry for sometime
oh my heart Lemme Cry For sometime
now the Tears may Come Out Of the Eyes
Anyway Let them flow For a while....
let them Flow for a while....

leave the claim of your loyalty as it is
i ll Be broken by a little Thing
if you Dont come i made a will...
I will bring my funeral to you
Yes, I still hope that you ll come
What should I do, I have been waiting for years

Wishes are buried in my heart
I live life of caged bird
i am living without You
Your memories torment me
Your memories torment me

i am so tired of grief
erased my Youthful moments
i had a passion for life's journey
only the few steps have made me tired

i am carrying destiny in my hands
i have hidden all the sorrows in my heart
i just fell in Love with you
that is Why i could not touch the success

oh my heart lemme cry for sometime
now the Tears may Come Out Of the Eyes
Anyway Let them flow For a while....
let them Flow for a while....

By Saliq Magray
© iamsaliqmagray