


Deep beneath the ocean's waves,
Where coral reefs and seaweed sways,
Lives a secret world, hidden from sight,
Where mermaids sing, through day and night.

Their shimmering scales, like jewels bright,
Reflect the sun's rays, in shimmering light,
Their flowing locks, like seaweed's flow,
Dance with currents, as they grow.

With tails that sparkle, like diamonds rare,
They glide through waves, without a care,
Their voices echo, a siren's call,
Luring sailors, to their underwater hall.

In underwater cities, they reside,
With treasures hidden, and secrets inside,
Their laughter echoes, through ocean's halls,
As they weave tales, of mythical calls.

With hearts full of wonder, and souls so bright,
Mermaids guard, the ocean's delight,
Protecting creatures, big and small,
In their realm, where love stands tall.

Their mystery beckons, to those above,
A world of magic, born of endless love,
For in the depths, their beauty shines,
A treasure trove, of underwater shrines.
© Mercy