

My inner child
Sitting in the dark;
Crawled up in the far away corner;
Knees to my chest;
Harsh sobs coming out of me;
I knew then I was done;
My soul was dancing with the shadows;
Shadows that weren't good for my poor broken soul;
Then I saw her;
She looked devastated and hurt;
She stood up from the cold floor;
Walked up to me and stretched her hand;
She was crying and it was breaking me further;
I put my hand in hers and I stood up;
She was tired of being left in the dark;
She's done it since childhood;
And it didn't help;
My inner child was tired of staying in cold floor on the dark corner,watching her soul dance with shadows,not knowing where they come from;
It wasn't easy but she told herself that she will be better;
She will do better by herself;
If it wasn't for my inner child,I would be left in the dark;
Crawled up in the corner,left to die and rot,no one caring about where I am;
I'm always thankful for my inner child;
She saved me from the darkness that was pulling me in without hesitation.
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