

After YOU
Life can be over in just a snap,but yet you live like u know or like u can determine ur time of death,death is a scary and nerve wrecking topic that all nature turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to coz of the element of denial,but ironically its the most inevitable physical occasion, scared or not,it will face you and will conquer you physically,it might happen in a car,house,school,street or wherever you will be when that predestined time arrives for u to depart this World,your death is the next big occasion after your birth ,so instead of making sorry excuses of "I will live recklessly bcoz death is inevitable", you must leave a legacy that others will build upon when u long gone, legacy is not all about material achievements or popularity, but it's all about impact and achievement whether physical or not, u can build a legacy by leaving behind a great mind, idea or a social impact, aslong as whatever u left on this earth after u gone has an impact on anything or anybody, it counts as a legacy, it might not seem so to others, but it's not about them, but it's about you, about you being that pillar for a particular something or somebody, people might not remember you after death has engulfed u,but ur legacy will shine thru whosever or whatsoever you would have impacted, and above all for your kids, be a pillar of strength to them,so that they can pass on that legacy to generations beyond them. Having a beard, deep voice or being a male does not make you a man,but what really defines a man is the source,if u r the source of impact or living for your family or people around u then u a r man indeed, nobody deserves to be called a man if they cannot edify those that saround them, define ur space and identify ur position, then u r indeed a man, and by That a great Father worthy to be remembered and engraved in people's minds and above all hearts #raw&uncut #Life #Motivation
© Regis_Jey_k08