

The ABCs of Memories
All along all anyone asks

Before burying beloveds and besties

Carefully cherish and commemorate

Decades dedicated to

Executing everlasting eras.

Forever form families and friendships and forget foes.

Get groups of the greatest,

Happiest, humorous, and helpful

Intellectuals imaginable. Identify intentions and

Join joyfully, just as jesters joined

Kings. Kindness and kin are the keys

Long looked after by loved ones. Living lavishly in love

Makes millions of memories.

Never neglect new notions of

Openmindedness. Oppression of others only

Presents you as a pillock. Please

Quickly quell quarrelsome questioners.

Really rely on rational reasoning. Relive

Significant seconds. Sleep soundly and

Think thoroughly throughout the day. Tell those

United that ultimately the utmost

Victory is visualized

When we were willing to

eXonerate excommunicated expatriates.

Yes you yawn, yet your youth

Zips by. Be zealous before its too late.
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